Today we will talk about how to Create Your Signature Sound. As you noticed, your favorite artists have something in their sound that makes them sound unique than everybody else.
So what is that what makes them stand out?
As an artist, characterizing your own style and signature sound is fundamental to your prosperity.
Not doing that will have a bad impact on your music career. Regularly, producers in their early stages experiencing difficulty picking a genre because they like various types of artists and styles.
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So how do you create a signature sound as a music producer?
- Produce Every Day
- Use Unique Sound or Equipment to Stand Out
- Create Your Own Presets
- Only Create Music That You Love
- Get Inspired from Artists of Your Genre
It all starts with your tracks.
When I was developing my self as an artist, I was trying to sound similar to my favorite artists. But I liked many different styles of underground electronic music, and end up confusing my self and not getting the opportunities I wanted, either creating my unique style.
Don’t take me wrong.
I learned and understand a lot by doing that. The only problem was that I was not being noticed because I was not standing out from the crowd.
It takes a lot of energy and time to achieve identifying your style and signature sound.
See Also: Behind the Scene Interviews
Read the following 5 Tips to Create Your Signature Sound:

Image by Jasmin Schreiber
1. Produce Every Day
There is no other way if you do not produce every day or every time you can. You will see that if you produce 1000 tracks you will get to the point you wish.
You don’t have to master or to release every track you make. Focus on creating ideas that will lead you to your signature sound.
Work to find a unique sound, that will put a sound trademark on your style and tracks.
The year has 365 days, let’s say you produce 1 track per day (not finished), that will make 365 ideas per year, 365 multiple 3 years it’s 1095 tracks.
As you see it will take you a long time to achieve your signature sound.

Image by Ricardo Abreu
2. Use Unique Sound or Equipment to Stand Out
Try to find unique sounds or equipment that make you different from everybody else.
Many artists have and combine analog hardware to add a signature to their creations. or recording vocals, sampling sounds from games and movies.
Here an example from Point Blank’s producer analysis:
Another great example is the Italian music producer Giorgia Angiuli, she is sampling children’s toys in her productions.
If you are playing an instrument, you have the advantage to record and bring it alive in your tracks.
As you see, there are many ways in which you can stand out with equipment and the right sampled sounds.
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Image by Jake Kaminski
3. Create Your Own Presets
If you create your own presets, it will help you to sound similar and to have the same color to all your tracks.
Simply, make a folder and put there all your favorite presets and use them in all of your tracks you want to have your trademark.
Do that for your reverbs, delays, synths, kicks, and for everything you’re going to use to create a signature.
Do not use samples and presets that everybody else is using.
Imagination is the key.

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4. Only Create Music That You Love
Do not try to copy other artists. You will end up sounding the same, and this will never help you to be different and sound unique.
Many artists are producing according to current style trends. They may make some pennies from Beatport but that’s all.
No one memorizes them, and their journey into the music ends quickly.
Some artists change music genres every time the trend changes, there are many examples out there that I will not mention here for obvious reasons.
We don’t do that in the underground scene.
A great way is to choose a sub-genre that you love and stay loyal to your listeners.

Image by Austin Neill
5. Get Inspired from Artists of Your Genre
Once you decide which sub-genre to follow, check out your favorite artists, and listen to how they create their signature sound.
Taking out ideas from successful artists in the genre you produce is an incredible method to make your own style of music.
Learn from the best and make them an example to develop your skills as an artist. Don’t fall in the trap of copying, use them as an inspiration.
Taking structure ideas from old music, putting organic instruments into electronic tracks or taking sounds from movies and games to fit them progressively in your productions can make a big difference in your signature sound and make you stand out from everybody else.
See Also: How to Stop Being A Perfectionist
Have Fun. Be Creative.