Album / EP of the Month | Episode 1 (June)
This is the first post of our new column “Album/EP of the Month.” Every month we will pick the best EP or album of the month here in Underground Talent. We are listening to tons of music to bring to your spotlight the best albums and EPs from the best Underground Artist around the globe, but today we will start from our home, London!
There are several albums that we are excited about.
This month’s album/EP is “Smoking Kills” by ØLMØ. Released on March 18th, 2022 by Trau-ma Records, the album gives a heavy feel with the incorporation of repetitive sounds and hypnotic melodies.

Album / EP of the Month: Olmo – Smoking Kills
ØLMØ is the artist leading the way with a unique combination of sound designs and enriched samples. The recent EP “Smoking Kills” is a collection bursting at the edges with some astonishingly impressive production. ØLMØ is unreserved to fuse together a feast of contrasting sounds that, when put together, create a soundtrack that’s unlike anything we’ve previously come across.
It’s intelligent, totally consuming and most importantly, there is a message to spread: Smoking Kills!
In any case, if you don’t know who Olmo is, then you need to check out the exclusive interview with Olmo at Underground Talent.
Read also: Underground Talent Interviews
Check Out the Album/EP of the Month:
Listen On Spotify:
Find Also “Smoking Kills, EP” by ØLMØ:
Follow & Listen to ØLMØ Here:
Don’t Miss the Interview with ØLMØ:
And Always Remember…
Have Fun & Be Creative!